403 North Hanover St. Carlisle, PA 17013
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Looking for a place to get dentures in Carlisle, Pennsylvania? For a consultation at Smile Rite II, with our dentist, Dr. K. Randy Martin call us at 717-960-9969. We can help you determine whether this dental treatment or another form of restoration will best address your unique dental needs.
Dentures are non-fixed prosthetic devices. They are used as a replacement for missing teeth that can be taken out of the mouth at any time. There are two main types of dentures: full and partial. According to your specific needs, our dentist will help you to choose the type that best matches your own case.
Full Denture
Full dentures are used to replace teeth when all the natural teeth have been or will be removed. We offer a large variety of full dentures with porcelain and plastic teeth.
Partial Denture
If you are missing only a few of your teeth, Smile Rite II has a partial just for you. Our partials are custom-made for each patient’s needs and desires. We offer the following types:
Cast metal: This has a strong metal base that contains artificial teeth set in an acrylic resin with metal clasps. Compared to conventional acrylic partial dentures, the cast metal denture is stronger, more durable and retentive.
Flexi: Flexi dentures can easily adapt to the constant movement and flexibility in your mouth. Your natural teeth don’t need to be altered in any way, and this denture is virtually invisible because there are no telltale metal clasps or wire to cover the natural teeth. The nylon material blends with the tissue in your mouth so that the only thing that is shown is your beautiful smile.
Cu-Sil: This denture is a good option if you have a few remaining natural teeth. It is an acrylic, tissue-bearing appliance and features a soft gasket which clasps the neck of each natural tooth, sealing out food and fluids, and cushioning and splinting each natural tooth from the hard denture base.
Flipper: A flipper is a lightweight, removable denture made of acrylic with no wires or clasps. It is usually a one- or two-teeth plate used to fill in where a missing a natural tooth or teeth.